Trail 10 to Gunung Jasar, Cameron Highlands

Regardless of which trail you explore, a cool hike is guaranteed as you are in the highlands. Another unique feature of this cool environment is the abundance of moss, ferns and lichen for a mossy forest experience. With a choice of over 15 trails, we decided on Trail 10 to Gunung Jasar peak (1,670m) and …

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Baptismal Site on the Jordan River – Qasr Al-Yahud

For more than 40 years, it was almost impossible and dangerous to visit the original baptismal site of Jesus due to the presence of landmines, planted by the Israeli Army after the Six Day War in 1967 to prevent infiltration from Jordan.Fully re-opened in 2019, I had the privilege to stand on the banks of …

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The Four Wonders of Mount Huangshan, China

Located in the heart of Anhui Province, Mount Huangshan (Yellow Mountain) consists of massive granitic boulders and ancient pine trees emerging through a perpetual  sea of clouds. Intrigued by the four wonders of pine trees, oddly shaped rocks, sea of clouds and hot springs, we planned a 2D/1N trip to Mt. Huangshan in 2011 to …

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MUST SEE – Hole in the Mountain

Tianmen Mountain National Forest Park When I visited in 2012, Tian Men Shan is not included in tour packages but offered as an optional stop. Located 8 km south of Zhangjiajie City, Tianmen Mountain National Park is not in Zhangjiajie National Forest Park of Wulingyuan Scenic Area, which is about 40 minutes away. In 263 …

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Angkor Wat International Half Marathon

I first visited Siem Reap in 2001. I returned 15 years later to participate in the Angkor Wat International Half Marathon (AWHM) on 4 December 2016. The idea of running through the ruins of Angkor Wat was irresistible. The flat course allayed anxieties of not completing the race, allowing me to truly savour the novelty …

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