Mirror Lake, SACF

A glimpse of Mirror Lake from a week ago, inspired this 4-5 hour hike from Alam Budiman trailhead. The budgeted time was based on taking the most direct approach and omitting Bukit Sapu Tangan. Starting from the double-track Trail 10, we stayed on the lower contour for its more gradual incline though longer meander to …

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Shah Alam Community Forest via Alam Budiman

My previous three visits to Shah Alam Community Forest (SACF) formerly known as Setia Alam Community Trails were in 2015, via Setia Ecopark. This is the first time I am accessing from Alam Budiman and hopefully, it will not take another 7 years for my next visit. View of Budiman Lake from Budiman Peak, fringed …

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Jiuzhaigou Valley

This is one destination where words are superfluous. I'll let the rainbow lakes, luxuriant forests, snow-capped mountains and gushing waterfalls do the talking instead. Jiuzhaigou Scenic Areas With a total length of over 50 km, 114 individual lakes, and waterfalls, Jiuzhaigou is composed of three valleys arranged in a 'Y' shape.Intersecting at the magnificent Nuorilang …

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Hongcun Ancient Village

Hongcun Ancient Village is an impossibly charming town straight out of a Chinese painting. Often described as “the ancient village in Chinese paintings”, Hongcun is considered as one of the most picturesque village in the Huizhou region. With lush green hills, lotus-covered ponds and tranquil lakes, this pedestrian-only village harks back to the peace and quiet of …

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