Glimpses of Guilin

My first and only visit to Guilin was to participate in the Solstice Hash On Tour (S.H.O.T.) which hashes twice a year on the weekends nearest to the winter and summer solstices, and always in a different, exotic location.On arrival in Guilin at noon, we immediately got onto the bus for Yangshuo, our base for …

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A tale of two Buddhas

Mount Emei (Emeishan) Regarded as the center of Buddhism, Emeishan is one of the Four Sacred Buddhist Mountains of China. The tallest at 3,099m, this towering mountain is characterized by sweeping cliffs, high reaching peaks, lofty ancient trees, impressive waterfalls, gurgling springs, abundant flowers and numerous Buddhist temples. Atmospheric, Beautiful, Mysterious Four scenic regions Baoguo …

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The Four Wonders of Mount Huangshan, China

Located in the heart of Anhui Province, Mount Huangshan (Yellow Mountain) consists of massive granitic boulders and ancient pine trees emerging through a perpetual  sea of clouds. Intrigued by the four wonders of pine trees, oddly shaped rocks, sea of clouds and hot springs, we planned a 2D/1N trip to Mt. Huangshan in 2011 to …

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