Caesar’s Camp Trail Runs

Traveling from tropical Malaysia to the United Kingdom in early December, I experienced a drastic temperature change. As such, I took it easy, acclimatising for two weeks to the cold before I resumed running, typically done in 30°C temps. I finally ventured out for a 5km run around the neighbourhood. While the rest of me …

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Aqueduct Beach Caesarea, Israel

Just outside the city, a row of stone arches by the Mediterranean Sea makes for a dramatic backdrop against a long strip of sandy beach.  The beach area with its unique setting among ancient Roman ruins, guarantees magical views of the azure blue waters and is the perfect spot for a relaxing stroll, a swim …

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Pantai Klebang Melaka offers beach picnics and other attractions

As a destination attraction, Pantai Klebang Melaka offers beach picnics, kite flying, varied food trucks and coconut shakes. As of two years ago, photographers and Instagrammers have been making a beeline to Klebang Sand Dunes since the first desert-like landscape photograph went viral. Located 15 minutes from Melaka city, at the end of the Klebang …

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Trail running at Bukit Ketumbar

Recently, I decided to join a group of hashers and attempt the trails in Bukit Ketumbar. The hash run in Bukit Ketumbar started ‘tamely’ up concrete steps that soon made way to a dirt path, interspersed with more concrete steps. Instead of going in one direction, the trail snaked its way down the valley to …

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